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Victor Senapaty

Serial Entrepreneur, voracious reader, backpack traveler, avid footballer. Ex-Investment Banking with Deutsche Bank, Fellow @ SLP, Indian National Maths Olympiad Gold Medalist.

Victor's academic and business pursuits have led him to live, work and learn at various regions of the country. An education at IIT and from a top MBA college has inculcated a respect for critical thinking, diverse sets of opinions, caring about the bigger picture and a meaningful pursuit of building products/services which could significantly improve peoples' lives.

An entrepreneur by heart, he bootstrapped his first startup with an investment of US$5,000 to reach 10,000 students in 20 schools and impart Astronomy education.

Post an investment banking stint with a global bank and three startups that he built from scratch, he finds himself at the cusp of working on an exciting idea which holds the potential to transform significantly lives of students in the country.